Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

¡Manténgase seguro, verifique si las billeteras son una estafa!

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17 agosto 2019 sábado. 19:07:59 UTC
Estafador / abusador
N1ghTm4r3 <[email protected]>
Yeah. I know you are a pedophile. Actually I know way more about you than you think. I am a computer scientist (internet security specialist) with affiliation with the Anonymous group. Few months ago you downloaded an application. That application had a special code implanted purposely. Since the moment you installed it, your device started to act like a Remote Desktop I was able to access anytime. Because I know you are a wealthy person and that you do care about your reputation, You must fund a special address with 5,000 ÙSD in Bitcoin, otherwise, I am going to seƞd those video files to your family members, friends and your work buddies If you do not Ѕeƞd the bitcoins in one week, Ѕeƞd exɑctly: 0.4912439 BTC to my bitcoin address: 39ZBSSKFttuR22xezjvoi18skiyiPyMdb8
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